Can You Quit That “Offline” Job for an Online Gig?
Someone once said, “anger is an acid that does more harm to the vessel it is stored in than the one it is poured upon.” Anger is a two-way street of pain, when you cause hurt, you hurt too. Today I was looking at the tree in front of my house. Its leaves, after staying for a season decided that they owed the tree no loyalty and with “dignity” were falling off it. This is a very natural occurrence and it is absolutely important that it happens if growth is to be progressive. But you see the tree did not ask the root to hurt because it had been providing water, it didn’t ask the branches to fight because it had supported and held the leaves for years…it just stood upright, waited, watched and kept its other members together.
It was an expert at letting go because it knew one thing, GROWTH DOES NOT HAPPEN BY HOLDING ON TO DEAD WEIGHT. It let go because it knew in no time, life would be green again!!
Online Concept
The concept of making money online is still more fable than reality for most people, especially those who are quite conservative and would rather have the evidence of an office and some form of identification before they can believe that one is employed.
However, there are a lot of business opportunities online and the world gradually is becoming more computerized than ever. It would be to one’s detriment if they do not swing with the tides. Change, they say is constant but one’s ability to adapt, master and use the change to their advantage is also very important. Today, shopping has never been as easy as it is now, thanks to online stores and home deliveries. This whole activity has been broken into little tasks that have become a source of earning an income for many young people. You can also think up ways to start something or look out for jobs online.
Mindset is Key
One of the things that would first pose a threat especially when one is venturing into new frontiers or exploring new horizons is a feeling of total rejection and loneliness. Not everyone would identify and understand your vision as you see it. The picture is in your head, and since people naturally do not walk around with x-ray machine, you will always be misunderstood, booed off the stage and called every name in the book. People who once supported you through ice and hot coals might suddenly begin to avoid your calls or your person.
So when people decide they do not need you again, wait, watch and keep together what friends or materials you have left. If your roots are pure and your arms, like branches are kept outstretched, in no time life will be green again. People will always come and go but the question is would you venture out of your comfort zone? Would you try something new even when there is the possibility of being ridiculed?
To your success!
P.S. Watch this VIDEO and see what online business did for these entrepreneurs!
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