The Creative Fancy – Ideas

I am amazed at how the depth of our soul can stream the very creative essence of life – Ideas – to our conscious mind through playful Art. One gets to put this on paper through visual symbols. Truly, when there is calmness in the soul, the Deep calls onto the Deep!
Recently I went to the Art Connects Heart presented by Zara and ever since that day, the deeper meaning of the painting that I drew has been streaming to my conscious mind like a soothing morning dew.
Today, I am so excited to share the painting I drew. I believe someone out there might benefit and run with the insights presented here. On the night of May 25, 2016, I stepped into the Art Connects Heart session. I didn’t know what to expect. Note that I am not an art person and color is not my strong point. For some reason, I had the desire to attend this session. I am glad that I did! Zara gave a short intro of her journey, and she then told us to pick any colors; it just needed to be spontaneous. Whatever color came up we should just go for it. She then told us to cut out three words from a sheet of paper which had several words written on it. We were to put them aside and use later on.
I would like to continue the activity of that day in a dialogue format:
The Creative Art
Zara: Said we should pick up a piece of blank drawing paper and begin to draw anything that comes to mind using the colors we had chosen.
Ade: You mean, draw anything? But I do not know how to paint?
Zara: Just paint anything that comes to your mind. It has nothing to do with whether you know how to paint or not. Don’t overthink it, just paint what comes up.
Ade: After hesitating and still struggling about how to go about it, I began to just draw lines across the blank paper. I was somehow feeling a little frustrated. This was not my cup of tea! I felt I was not in control especially when internally I was saying – I am not a painter or an artist!
Zara: After checking the other participants, Zara came over to my side, looked at what I was doing. She gently asked to take away the paper. She then gave me a new sheet of blank drawing paper, and told me to start all over again.
Ade: I believe removing my first attempt at painting was genius on the part of Zara. After she gave me the new blank page I relaxed and allowed myself to paint whatever came to my mind. I did this without judgement on my part as to whether I could paint or not. I now chose to allow the free FLOW of thoughts and assumed I was just playing and having FUN! Taking this posture seems to have allowed me to relax and put on paper what I finally painted.
Zara: Once you guys finish painting, write the words that come to your mind on the paper. Also glue the three words that you cut out earlier on. Please glue them wherever you feel like placing them.
Ade: After putting down my paintbrush. I looked at my painting. It felt like I had three sections or parts and it seemed logical to place the words on top of the three parts like headers for each section.
Zara: Came around to my side and asked what I had to say about my painting.
Ade: I told her honestly that the painting had no meaning to me but I could relate to the words I’d glued on top of the painting. The words were:
1.) Ideas
2.) Inspiration and
3.) Stir up Success
Apart from that, I felt the drawing had no meaning at all.
Zara: Went on to ask about the colors I had chosen. What did they mean to me?
Ade: Looking at the colors, I had chosen Blue – which to me meant Strength; Yellow meant something slippery and Green was life.
Zara: Asked what I thought was the meaning of the symbols that I’d drawn.
Ade: I once again looked at the painting, and like a flash, an intuitive feeling welled up within me and I began to see pattern and meaning where there initially, seemed to be no pattern or meaning.
I would now like to explain the meaning that came to me that day and which continues to evolve as I look at the painting now pasted on my office wall. Even as I write this article, I feel this tingling sensation bubbling from the top of my head down to the soul my feet.
First Section of the painting – Ideas
When you look at the first section of the painting, I had the word “Ideas” at the top. What came to me was that Ideas are the first step in the creative process. We need ideas to create or birth our desires in this world – success, health, relationships etc. The essential ingredient that most people lack is ideas! We as human beings were once an idea in the mind of God and we are called to be co-creators through our ideas.
The three objects in this section represent a fish. Note that I drew them in yellow which depicts that ideas are like slippery fish (as I noted above, yellow meant slippery to me). In the middle of the fish symbol is a blue circle or dot – remember, blue meant strength – if you don’t firmly take hold of an idea it will slip away and might never be caught again.
The World needs more creative ideas
We need to take hold of the ideas that stream from our conscious mind otherwise we would lose them forever! To birth our desires we need to be aware of those ideas and latch onto them even if it looks like an impossible concept. This is the first step in the creative process.
Everyone – we human beings, are just one idea away from the solution we want. Facebook was once an idea and the world is yet to see or comprehend what is yet to be birthed through the human mind. We are one inspired idea away from the cure we want, one idea from the health we want, one idea from eradicating conflict in this our wonderful world! This now leads to the second section of my painting.
Second Section of the painting – Inspiration
Evolving Aspects
I still do not have clarity on what the other objects under this section represent but as I write this, looking at the painting, I am getting the impression that the drawing looks like a box – painted in blue – this represent strength and inside it is a circle in green which represents life.
This could mean the idea is drawing up life and is surrounded by the strength of inspired faith! Hmm, I believe this is what is coming up now! Interesting. Every day I look at the paining, it seems to evolve and release it’s deeper meaning!
The next section does not get manifested unless this section is done properly. Get a vivid picture of the idea or that which you want; retain that image; sustain it with joy, faith, and expectancy. Finally, in so doing you will succeed in experiencing its manifestation.
Third Section of the painting – Stir up Success
The top of this section has the word – Stir up success. This is the final stage of the creative act. The idea has now manifested for all to see, and this is depicted by the green tree symbol. The soil is painted in blue meaning the manifested idea continues to draw up strength from source and continues to grow into a fuller and richer expression. That is the wish of the Father for us all.
As we stir up our purpose, more ideas are given birth and the cycle continues from the first section – ideas- because we are changed from glory to glory.
I am amazed at the unfolding of this simple painting that initially seemed to have no meaning but over time has continued to reveal its content like a blossoming flower.
Let us Awaken our Ideas
Science does not know its debt to imagination
Wake up fellow travelers! Let us stir up that juice of an idea that is streaming through our mind and by sustained faith we shall bless not only ourselves but our family and the larger community.
To your creative fancy!
PS: Please share what process you follow in birthing your ideas in the comment box below!
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[…] that I am living the principle I shared in this article about Expectation. I practice what I share, ideas will come to us once we begin to live a life based on eternal principles and for me the idea came […]